Monday, August 4, 2008


When asked what it takes for a country to prosper,
Confuscious said,
3 simple things.
First, soldiers,
Second, food.
Third - Belief/faith. (not too sure which word)

Ok, makes sense.

Then one of his disciples asked,
"Teacher teacher, if die die we have to take away one, which should be done away with?"

Confuscious replied,
"Let it be soldiers then."

The disciple hell bent on testing his teacher's wisdom continued asking,
"TEacher teacher, if die die die we have to take away one more, which should be done away with?"

Confuscious replied calmly,
"Let it be food then."

One could do without security, without food, but one could never survive without belief.

"Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive."

"Much more people in this world are dying for a shred of love, than a crumb of bread" (Sorry, my english sucks, I don't know the exact quote from mother teresa)

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