Romance movies are nice. They are plot-less but nice. They are hollow but nice. They are not intricate, they are not complex, they are as love is supposed to be, simple, and most of all, they are just nice.
They just make you feel so good. If edible, they'd taste just like chocolate in your mouth, which is ranked as the 2nd most pleasurable thing after sex in the realms of women.
But Beware. They are actually one of the most deadliest forms of drugs in disguise. They lift you up so high when you are consuming them but after the effects of the drugs wear off, you'd be falling down to earth faster than little girls falling in love, which is the only thing faster than the speed of light.
You wake up, you become more disappointed with reality, the pain is even more unbearable, and you become addicted to the romance movies like alcoholics to alcohol, like men to sex. That is why endless romance movies are churned out every year. Because the consumption of these drugs takes away our pain, which is good, and also bad. For it raises your expectation of love, it polarizes you to idealise the perfection of love, the fairy tale happy ending which in turn subconsciously places more burden on your partner's shoulders and they will eventually crumble under the weight of love.
Haha...Exactly what a woman would expect a man to say and think... Men just don't understand...
So enlighten us then....
hmm... sui generis, i agree with you... fully.,....
There are romantic guys out there who do not think romance movies as poison to a woman's mind, but rather it becomes a learning opportunity for them. As I have said before, these shows and movies are often inspirations that came out from real situations. Which means, so-and-so had done it before. If that is the case, why should the other guys refrain from doing it just because you think "Oh, it's just romance, ya know? Poison to a woman's mind?"
The rumour of the french people being the most romantic of them all is not exactly true. I know a few closet romantics (guys) who are indeed too afraid of being laughed at by their other guy friends for being "sissy", "feminine" to want to do romantic things like buying flowers for their ladies for no particular reason.
And you think only females read romance stories churn out by majority female authors? Not so the case. Guys who could get easy access to female reading materials (Romantic novels, fashion/beauty magazines) all claim that they read them so they can understand a woman more. And they are the ones who do have better luck with the ladies.
And what about the male authors who write romantic novels? Most of them started using alias female names but eventually, revealed themselves as not so "female" authors. I've read romantic novels written by male authors. They are pretty much romantic in their own ways, much different from what a woman would think. But that's nature how our minds are all wired differently. However, it's always the thought that counts. And I think it's wonderful that such difference do exist. If not, this world would truly be a boring place.
As for overdosing of romance, these people will fall and when they fall, they will learn that romance is just something that blinds them from seeing the real deal. That prince charming don't come riding in on a white horse (especially not in Singapore). The logical sees romance as spicing up one's relationship. The others see romance as how much someone else love them. The illogical just think that it is love. You'll be the judge of that.
haha, i never said romance movies were poison, just that sometimes, females have this tendency to idealise things, perhaps due to the reading of too many fairy tales and that the romance movies build up these idealistic expectations almost urging the viewers to believe what they see is reality... Most movies only portray the brighter side of reality.....
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